0403034914 [email protected]

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All gymnasts from Level 2 and up are expected to wear our club uniform. Our staff and gymnasts demonstrate high professionalism in their dress and grooming by wearing our club singlet along with black tights or long-fitted pants. If for any reason the club singlet is not worn, a plain black singlet will be appropriate. 80% of training must be in proper club uniform – club singlet and black tights.

For health and safety all hair must be neat and in a high bun. Only beginner classes are permitted pony tails.

The club is not responsible for items which have been damaged or lost. We advise gymnasts not to bring valuable items to classes. We advise gymnasts to be responsible for their belongings and check their items before leaving the premises.

Our club tracksuit is to be purchased from Level 2 and up as set out in the GQ technical regulations. It is necessary for clubs to present themselves in unified and identifiable uniform at all Queensland events.

Compulsory Club leotard to be purchased from Level 1-3. Gymnasts in level 4 and higher can purchase the club leotard (optional) or buy individualised leotards.

We sell all FIG approved compulsory Rhythmic Gymnastics merchandise.

Gold Coast Rhythmic Gymnastics uniform

Elite Club Competition Attire